
Japan-inspired shoe designer Lady Gaga

 Tatehana who has over 20 pairs of Lady Gaga in the past two years, said he took the traditional "geta" shoes and geisha is a modern form, with its sculptural platforms.

"Is .. My work as an icon, he has not only as a brand for me, he was also a part of his trademark work," Tatehana said in a recent interview at his Tokyo workshop, cluttered art books, and his elegant shoes - with a sparkling Swarovski crystals, some with gold studs.

The 26-year-old, the monk reminds a pensive mood with his quiet voice, long hair in a bun and baggy pants Yohji Yamamoto is bound, was still a student, began his career as a. In fact, the first pair of Lady Gaga Tatehanas had been the subject of his thesis at the prestigious University of the Arts in Tokyo, where he studied traditional weaving and dyeing kimono.

He made shoes with pink, reptile leather from a future sting rays, common in Japanese art and crafts such as decorative swords. He began his fashion label of trumpets in the design of an e-mail he sent dozens of people in the industry.

He received only three responses: one from a blogger, journalist and as a fashion designer Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga was unavailable for comment. But the fashion guru and beer heiress Daphne Guinness said it is a big fan

"I am so happy to have a friend who speaks my language, I - does not go beyond English or Japanese, but the language of art, the language," said Guinness, "It is truly a unique talent.."

Issued Valerie Steele, director and chief curator of the Museum of Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, the Tatehana said she hopes eventually Tatehana makes an affordable line.

"Noritaka Tatehana is one of the shoe designer of our time," she said. "It's amazing, dizzying heel shoes without high heels, transformed the appearance of extreme shoes."

The measure shoes look like the right thing most of her mind, has lost even Lady Gaga sometimes out of balance in some of the large drawings. Tatehana but said they are really more comfortable than regular high heels, because they put the weight of the user on the big toe, instead of the heel.

Tatehana says he can not even walk in his creations, but he prefers to wear sneakers and moccasins.

Lady Gaga was seen in another eccentric shoes. High heels that look like lobster claws are like Alexander McQueen, not Tatehana.

Tatehana grew on the coastal town of Kamakura. His father, a bathhouse downtown Tokyo, which has been running for the public to the office of prime real estate, and his mother teaches doll making.

He said that he would one day grow into the clothes pocket perhaps, or work in costumes for films. He will also contribute to the profile of its assets worldwide.

"I want the Japanese culture to remain alive today and win international respect," said Tatehana. "It is the creativity that defines the strength of a nation."

