
New Luxury Lust List

  The luxury is not exactly what it was, Dahling. The recession hurt consumer confidence, with feelings of Americans regarding their current and future financial stability fell by 25 percent in 2008, while the per capita income declined in 2009, is available for the first time, the maggot in almost two decades.

But as the Americans took leave of blingy watches, $ 50 Kobe burger, and it seemed like, wall to wall coverage of Paris Hilton, she beckoned in a new, less conspicuous kind of luxury. And even changed the scene of high-end consumers, it's like a fresh bottle of champagne appeared, full of an estimated $ 1.5 trillion in sales in 2012, according to a report released today IBISWorld.

What does this new consumer research from what is intended as a "luxury light" be?

Here is what IBIS has to say:

Labels and luxury for less: has purchasing habits have changed, but the desire to designer clothes, accessories and footwear slowed a bit. Rapid turnover as gold, haute look, RueLaLa and Ideeli are part of a scene, always crowded, but that does not mean that there is no more room to grow. Since 2007, approximately 73 new sites have sprung on sample sales, and IBIS is that 89 expected by the end of this year. As for brands, a report by Brand Keys released today shows that the importance of brand name has more than tripled since 2008. Its index Ralph Lauren / Polo, in the lead as the top brand in 2012, by (2) his favorite sports team, (3) Armani (4) Nike and (5) Versace and Chanel in connection followed.

As for dealing with sites, they went from four in 2007 to 632 IBIS estimates by the end of 2012. Despite the loss of many during the past year and Groupon good suffering documented as a publicly traded company, remember this is a revenue-generator, which is not only not before the recession, and the expansion of product development and services have helped grow the industry "exponentially , "the report said. The number of local day spas and nail salon owner, companies not only get business locations, but apparently are free of recession, increased from 5003 in 2007 to over 5406 in 2012.

