
The cover of Matthew Reinhart "Star Wars. A Pop-Up Adventure Galactic"

It has never lost someone dear, if you do not see is, especially a stylish pop to your outfit. So when I heard that Louis Vuitton had made their Edinburgh city guide I felt relieved left. Finally, they make a woman of 50 years, prances doubtful about tights, as a muse - sorry, Madonna, but it's true. And think they emblazoning chavvy the front accessories, with a million letters monogram seems, I mean chic. This city has a lot of subtle elegance. Something that I am very well. Take last week, for example. Harvey Nichols had an intimate Q & A with design sensation Jonathan Saunders. His dresses are works of art phones. Simple and elegant, easy to wear for all ages and aesthetic style. When I scanned the crowd at the event, I was pleased to see the wealth of creative talent present. Writers, artists, speakers and all mixed models between the beauty of the collection. We also organized an international festival of fashion that still accruing interest of the press from the likes of Italian Vogue and our schools to attract fashion design legends such as Michael Kors, on campus. And so I forgot about the worst kept secret in fashion at the moment. Chanel brings a show to Edinburgh in December. If I had to choose, it would be for King Charles Vuitton on all days of the week. FASHION INSIDER The time is upon us. Edinburgh Fashion Week goes live online today for a show a week, with new designers, labels, local businesses and established heavyweights High Street. The three shows to watch one day be ready to at your leisure.

