
Fashion students 'show' off talents

  Students who finish in the fashion of San Joaquin Delta College, the school year with a parade showcase their talents.

This season, the event at the College Atherton Auditorium to take place, where a broader audience to be able to observe several designs of 10 students and alumni.

ThuyTien Nguyen graduated from Bear Creek High School, is a Delta student will present its portfolio in the event.

"I am excited and looking forward to a great show," said Nguyen, of interesting fabrics of the Big Apple reported. "The past year has taught me so much and I'm confident and qualified for the moment."

His inspiration is drawn from a trip to New York.

The program mode is in partnership with the American Heart Association, a dress that promotes awareness of heart disease, in particular to design for women. Red Dress is a unique piece of the exhibition opening, the director of the program Leslie Asfour said.

"This year, collections are each very unique. The inspirations are varied designers and collections represent personal aesthetic of each designer," she said. "Fabrics, cuts, construction and fit are all very unique. Regarding quality, I think the collections are the strongest I've seen. 12 Some designers make eyes in just 14 weeks from term to term. "

The show will feature three segments on a track jet is the theater have 30 meters above the seats. Ninety models professionally styled by local artists, hair and makeup showcase collections.

Not only the students design and trendy, they can prepare models for the event.

The show is a collaboration between two classes - Class and Class Design Collection fashion event production.

"To create the pupils of the class designers design collection and to build a minimum of six original show looks., You need to create the pattern, buy all the fabric and supplies, build clothing and adaptation to the specific model wearing the Clock" , Asfour. "Class said to plan event production, design and produce the show, recruitment patterns, the choice of a place, the design of the development, the development of the music and the choreography, design and implementation of the marketing campaign and to find sponsors, to finance the show. "

Another student Delta participates in the program say that it was an incredible learning experience from start to finish.

"It's exciting that Delta College offers creative people like me a platform to share our creations," Susan Rodriguez said. "After all, what good model, if nobody sees it?"

Donations are needed to support this event and help students to get hands-on experience provides fashion show, Asfour said. Companies are required to provide sponsorship for the show, which offer products from loot bags or other items if needed.

