
2013 BrandZ Top 100 sees Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Gucci as top luxury brands

  In the survey titled 2013 BrandZ Top 100, the market research company MillwardBrown, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Gucci introduced as the three biggest global brands for the year. Two brands Fendi and Star coach, reports say also in this list in the top 10 for the first time.

The survey is a ranking of the most valuable global brands, reports suggest.

According to the survey, brands to find the exclusivity of the brand with the acquisition of new customers through social media balance, reports say. As such, the concept of luxury brands to a more "accessible" to them, added the reports approach. The survey said that last year, the value of the luxury sector has increased by six percent (the same was 15 per cent in the previous year) increased, the reports added.

