
DMCC , Euler Hermes organize the first workshop of credit insurance for members of the DMCC Free Zone

The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre ( Hermes On Sale ), the Government of Dubai Authority for the development of Dubai as a global gateway for trade and Euler Hermes GCC , dedicated to the world's leading provider of insurance industry solutions organized a workshop for members of trade credit DMCC free zone company . This event was followed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ) to strengthen cooperation between DMCC and Euler Hermes in June 2013. Led by experts Euler Hermes credit insurance , provided the workshop participants with a comprehensive introduction to the credit insurance , risk mitigation and how companies grow their business safely , choosing the right trading partner safely move into new markets and reducing the cost of credit management . Massimo Falcioni General Manager - GCC countries , Euler Hermes , said: " Euler Hermes, through its Memorandum of Understanding with the Free DMCC is to help the members of the Free Zone, to improve their credit management through workshops and individual sessions ,Hermes Birkin Handbags the first workshop organized trade credit . Almas Tower in was a huge success and the active participation of the company confirms how important it is to belong to small businesses in the United Arab Emirates credit risk mitigation services. " Krysta Fox , director of the Free DMCC , said: "With more than 7,000 companies currently provided by the DMCC free zone , it is important that we offer our members to grow the right toolkit and succeed Euler Hermes is undoubtedly the world's leading provider of commercial . credit insurance and we are sure that the full range of solutions that we , in collaboration with direct insurance to meet the needs of our member companies cater to adding value to our existing offering. " Companies around the world for ways in which they seek to develop, to reach new customers , and conduct their daily business in a safe, transparent and modern. DMCC provides this infrastructure and more than 200 new companies choose in the DMCC free every month - more than six companies per day - more than 95 % are new to Dubai. Euler Hermes Trade Credit Insurance will be offered at the DMCC Direct Insurance ( Hermes Kelly Handbags ) LLC , the insurance partner of the Free DMCC .

