
How to make it in fashion : Why Kahlo will win

  Rachelle Sinclair and Fay OGUNBADEJO , Kahlo girl behind the Australian brand Vogue talk about their recent triumph and why they borrowed the name Frida .

Congratulations on winning the award in 2013 DHL Express Export fashion shows. What was your reaction when you learned that you had won ?
We were both very happy to receive the call from DHL with the good news ! We were so happy to be a finalist last year, so this time we were absolutely thrilled !

This does not mean winning the scholarship for you personally?
First, the really cemented a scholarship as a respected company like DHL , the fact that all our efforts to this point have been recognized and get rewarded . He really gave us to know confidence in what we do , that we are on the right track for growth and advertising is a wonderful platform for us to promote our brand.

Your price includes the DHL logistics support and the support of my detail - wardrobe.com . How do you think the brand will change with this support ?
Our main motivation for entering the scholarship DHL was to rationalize and understand our national and international logistics. It 's great to have a mentor who will answer all your questions and have support . My- wardrobe.com has always been our go- to destination for inspiration and the latest trends, so as to involve them in for this award , and we are able to send and present our collection of team - buying in the UK is a dream come true become !

Have you ever had your eye on international expansion ?
From our first season in 2011 , we have received inquiries from international resellers who want to wear the label Kahlo. Our plan is to build a good strategy for export to the United States , and then putting them in Japan and the United Kingdom.

How did you meet? And what was the impetus to start a label together ?
We met through mutual friends at Rosemount Australian Fashion Week in 2010. Rachelle tries to move from Brisbane to Sydney and I had a replacement. We became close friends very quickly and often discussed the vision that we have our own fashion brand. We decided to "give it a go" in January 2011 and March this year, we have scanned , shot and sold our first collection . We connected over mutual love of leather , clean lines and simplicity. It was a very organic process that led to the birth of Frida Kahlo.

Where does the name Kahlo ?
While we love the work of artist Frida Kahlo, our aesthetics are not similar in all directions. What inspires us to Kahlo's what the name is - creativity , androgyny , eccentricity and strength, plus it looks good on paper! We were very careful in choosing our name , we wanted a name that had longevity and we represent our own aesthetic.

Your blog cites inspiration from artists such as Marina Abramovic and Del Kathryn Barton. Are you still inspired by the art - and artists ? Find inspiration in other places?
We are both passionate about art and love to see new exhibits and visit art galleries whenever we can. It is very easy by the many great artists we discover to be inspired . In addition, we collect a lot of inspiration in the country and the places we travel. Inspire a few things as we are. Unconsciously in our daily observations , such as gestures , songs from the radio, and the sunsets

Describe the girl Kahlo in a sentence.
The girl Kahlo is comfortable with the awkward .

How does your partnership ? Manage both the design and the business side ?
Surprisingly good , surprisingly ! We both have the exact same aesthetic and eye for detail, develop together , without allowing too much conflict ! We are both impressed in all areas of our business that accounts for the production of promotional work , so that we both understand where we are.

Her label has grown so much in his life two years. Where do you see the brand in two years?
Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves when we talk about how we were raised to think in such a short time ! We are very motivated to make a success Kahlo, and have a very detailed business plan in place. In 2015 we want to have grown our sales both nationally and internationally , recognized as one of the biggest names in contemporary women's clothing in Australia expanded our product range to include accessories , and .

