
there is a return to the sophisticated bag

handise manager of luxury accessories, also Hermes lindyreports the top-handle as being one of the key styles for autumn, driven chiefly by the popularity of Dolce & Gabbana’s Miss Sicily collection (£1,515-£3,191).e storyteller’s lamp from At-Tin is not practical but then, which story is? The Borosil pickle jars with their beautifully carved covers from Anantaya make a showpiece of the humble homemade pickle. I am sure there are more. I am looking for an all-encompassing website or weekly newsletter that curates and updates interested readers in Indian designers and crafts. There is one thing that I have been unable to find. I love botanical illustrations and was looking for Indian ones. The o Meanwhile, Hong Kong-based retailer Lane Crawford says it has reserved a significant portion of its bag order for the top-handle shape

and is exclusively launching Delvaux and Hermes ostrichMark Cross this autumn and next spring respectively.get the job done. Bifrostec and the Kaiteki Institute have just solved that problem with processing technology that turns any pair of in-ears into a pulse wave sensor. The approach converts earphones into microphones that listen for eardrum movement, which is usually in sync with the pulse rate of a person's arteries. As the technique compensates for background noise, it lets users monitor their pulses while they listen to music -- and without having to wear head-mounted gadgets. While there's no word on when (or if) we'll see the pulse wave discovery reach shipping products, it's efficient enough that it could slip into conventional mobile devices

almost unnoticed. Don't “For the Chinese, there is a return to the sophisticated and ladylike styling in handbags,” says cheap hermes bagIrene Yu, divisional merchandise manager of designer footwear and handbags at Pedder Group, Lane Crawford’s parent company. She recently purchased a Delvaux Brilliant MM (£2,450) herself because “its simplicity means that it works with different styles, and transcends age”. The lack of a shoulder strap can, of course, create problems: the too-heavy-to-hold issue that can come with cramming too many things inside. Amanda Harlech, who rotates between her Fendi Peekaboo £1,773-£2,933) an

