
Fashion, Food, Dancing Mark World Refugee Day in the near Vickery

  African men who were dancing to the beat of a drum and singing a dozen women in long colorful dresses in bold circle waving at Fair Oaks Park Saturday afternoon. With bright scarves wrapped around her head, her body seemed like water plants on the music and songs move.

It was the celebration of World Refugee Day, an afternoon with Bhutan, Burma, Iraq and dance filled music from different parts of Africa and crafts and food all over the world. (See the picture to show here.)

"An improvisational performance in Somalia," said the emcee spontaneous dance. It was just under 100 degrees, but that did not prevent the celebration of Catholic Charities organization.

An international fashion show a clear track in the grass near a shady tree. An Egyptian woman sporting fashion wore a long white dress with a ventilated Sphynx gold in the chest and bottom of the pyramid. It was topped with a cap rhinestone net. Somali women wore head scarves and long dresses are bright. Bhutan fat girls wearing silk ankle-length dresses, two teenage models had their hair dyed orange inclined.

In the meantime, under the flag of arts and crafts and food, has an Iraqi women's fine jewelry, pillow in hand, and other companies, carefully decorated and sold gold. Ban Salih sold his wares from his home Vickery Meadow. She was a fashion designer in Iraq has continued to flee his work in Jordan, where she designs her own, and now they are creating here in Dallas. Around him were other clothing and jewelry makers from Africa, Burma and Bhutan.

Some refugees have been in America for years, some for mere months. It was a beautiful afternoon to forget the difficulties of leaving home for a new country and celebrate the growing community of Dallas people from around the world.

