
'Five Fingers' latest fashion phenomenon

  Vibram Five Fingers, the bizarre, barefoot running shoes from Hollywood starlets thrown, is fast becoming the accessory of the year in which the most desirable. It began as a "return to nature" craze running, Telegraph reported.

Then Hollywood starlets began with what looked like oversized rubber gloves occur on the feet.

Now threatens the "Five Fingers" shoes, with individual slots for each toe, to be the fad of the summer.

At the same time it is part of the public.

The owner of the shoes - Danny Glover, actor and Kate Hudson, Scarlett Johansson, actresses are - say they are stylish and good for the posture.

But critics call "ugly" and holders of claims like Bigfoot, or a gorilla in a suit. Store sales in the UK are hundreds of pairs of shoes per week, which were first described by the Italian company Vibram for "barefoot" athletes, creating a natural running style and want to protect their feet in the city streets.

Emerging from the City of London, and execute Shop said with his new £ 105 the pair, Milan Vajs, 38, a businessman in the Westminster-based. "I like walking barefoot I feel good in it, as I releases I. 'll go shopping and parties in them I like anatomically her look.. "Richard Burden, 29, a charity worker from Edgware, North West London tried a couple and said," I saw wearing someone and thought "it differently is. "I want to see if they really work, or if it just something to say to people who are" Look at me, I wear gloves for coaches. "

He added: ". You should rarely used the muscles as you strengthen your toes I'll probably end up buying some." Daily Times Monitor

