
new age unreliable fashion blogs

  If you are aware of international newspapers, you would have the sudden and massive push over the question of the role of social media noticed in the new world of fashion. Amy Odell of BuzzFeed published an article three months ago entitled Fashion Bloggers to make tons of money from Brands. So What? The article examines the new wave of advertising not only by fashion brands, but brands with lifestyle and technology as well. Buying habits of consumers showed that print ads, billboards and TV commercials connect no longer be able to work with people. The amount of time we spend on social media is growing at an alarming rate, so if you want to get people to buy your products, then hit a blogger.

It is no secret that many bloggers in the world (myself not included), to earn a living (and some live very comfortably) from blogs. The money is made not only put through banners on their sites, but contracts promotions, special appearances and modeling gigs. What's so funny with these terms of modern make money is that they are often difficult to identify.

Many fashion bloggers we admire the style buffets are no longer independent and eclectic, we began to follow. Bloggers are now money to present (often tens of thousands of dollars) paid and wearing the garb of a Creator in their position. Not only do they pay for broken 'Street at events with the parts. And it's not that the street style photographers are in the loop necessarily as good. Bloggers do not have to tell the paps that they are paid. Our favorite street style blogs - Photography as editorial content - advertising always before our eyes.

BuzzFeed as Amy said, these bloggers were paid by Prada to attend this event. Bryan Boy, Rumi Neely, Susie Bubble and Diane Pernet. Provided Yatzer.com

There are many critics easy identification fashion bloggers "doll", but others argue that they are doing just as many celebrities. The permit is not a new thing, brands have been. Featuring the faces of celebrities for cosmetics and luxury ads for year Now it's just bloggers around.

As you can imagine, there are varying degrees of endorsements and different degrees of what we do. Than good taste or not The argument is that to trust these "trendsetters" (bloggers) who have learned (and every word that we cling) lose their integrity under the influence of money. How to know if we have the secrets Glamourai hair is in fact paid a secret or placement only by O & M, Tresemme and Moroccan Oil? We see this dilemma?

This is food for thought, is not it? In a world of social media and celebrity culture, dominated as it is too much? We lose integrity? Or bloggers are entitled to make money like everyone else?

I would like your opinion on this topic.

