
WOMEN OF TURKEY averages over mix fashion with Islamic piety

 Coco Chanel and not Islam couple? Ala Turkey, UN high fashion magazines and a first team of models scarves seems good distributor. After the first number kiosk son in June 2011, traffic to quadruple the 40,000 francs only four months.

Back to the economy, it's easy. During the last decade, Turkey an economic boom not know who benefited, has still benefited the secular elite Urban, but also supporters of the AKP to power conservatives and former entrepreneurs Who Have Upward Mobility June unprecedented, not something from the formation -Islamic state, the average urban class.

This new Islamic bourgeoisie, the money and the opportunity to do so, more and more Diversified: luxury gated communities, shopping, restaurants OF HOTELS AND sports clubs catering for the UN fashion-de-vie, the most pious police their appearance in urban centers .

"The AKP has managed not great, once stripped PART IN Sté Consumer Market integration," explained an anthropologist and journalist Ayse ?avdar "In this sense, the dynamics of the market success Where politicians have failed. Standard that [a religious life Conservative] A. criticism AS ALA interest and not the product of normalization unsigned ".

Fashion Editor of ALA, believes Busra Erdogan that the magazine the filled nonempty important. "In June this year explosion was - obviously dozens of conservative women for a publication, as told to wait for many long READERS BNO:" Why is a fait accompli. Took so long? "

Then come to the rules Ala Islamic clothing - scarves and La sleeve length skirts - it is exclusively for women that should cover their heads, and Islamic clothes have sided with designer brands like Gucci, Louboutin and Stella McCartney.

Ebru Büyükdag, Ala-editor, a magazine has declared the first summer of Islamist Like Being laymen and marketing of Islam by some devout Muslims criticized. "But we are not ne distribute fatwas, and we do not break Islamic rules" you did DIT. "Why Conservative Women Not to Wear autorisés be nice clothes?"

With wealth and visibility color new confidence among women is conservative. "People with high factor Women Who omen veil," said the report Esra Can 35 years, owner of a beauty salon is not conservative in the Fatih district of Istanbul. She opened her own business after his decision not to wear the headscarf Terme his career Import That sales manager in the textile industry. "I have set before the summer the choice between Mo scarf and my work," she said.

Adile Turkmen, beautician who first quitter June, the university because of the son scarf she said breathing a sigh of relief as the appearance of the ALA. "She has no sense of normalcy," Did she say what makes ALA pyramid interest were changed unsigned intangible rights. "When I used to go to the opera, the people looked at me like I do not belong, do not. Now everywhere I, at restaurants and rock concerts." She laughed. "Headbanging without a scarf, no problem!"

Ezra can agree: "The AKP government and the people of economic growth, an OPEN A view over this cloth to judge me by that I mean people now carry - Who is this much.". Beauty salon, business niche stores, bridal boutiques and fancy pastries, clothing customers - with ou without sail - from neighborhood and other parts of Istanbul.

Ala Editor Ebru Büyükdag underlined the importance of container products on the Professional Women successive Conservative Who -. As women Esra Can "Portals We Want presenter flow examples and models positive young women."

You employment in Quebec admission of women in Turkey recall was miserably low -. Only 28% of women participate CURRENTLY work, less than half the average in the European Union "Portals Nous Portals Nous Rallions quota for women at work and in the end the prejudice What Women Who omen qualified to work the headscarf FEW that in and of low-paying jobs or not at all, "she said. said: "Many companies call to employers for highly qualified women to refuse to post flow direction just because they cover their heads."

Fill Büyükdag SAYS AS magazines helped Ala également The Gap between some practitioners and lay on par Who Are A Concerned about the Islamization of Turkey the other, "that we have the same clock intangible rights Aimons ... Aimons Portals Nous look good, we want the style who love us eat well BNO This Is A pour point start "

