
Despina Siolas Discount Hermes Expo Honor

  Dr. Despina Siolas, MD / PhD Bayside and Mattituck, New York was in the 2013 Hermes Expo Dinner 13 April honored. Stella Kokolis, President of the Federation of Hellenic American Educators and Vasiliki Filiotis, president of the Prometheus Greek Teachers Association awarded him the Aien AristeveinAward. "Ait Excel" is a term derived from the sixth book of Homer's Iliad (en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Ever_to_Excel), in which he offers in a speech Glaucus, Diomedes is used.

It is the honor: "This, the" price Aien Aristevein "Dr. Despina Siolas was to be for your achievements in your life and your ability to be a role model for others and to ensure that the Hellenic cultural heritage and language are awarded cornerstone of your professional success. Greco-American teacher of Greek schools you attended, and everyone in the Greek American community before you stand today with pride and honor. "

Siolas expressed his sincere gratitude by saying, "Thank you for this unique honor I am the fourth generation Greek American Tripoli, Arcadia, Chios, Limnos, and Asia Minor.I pledge to defend the ambitious goals of Hellenism I'm loyal.. to the principles it holds. I will be faithful to my community and country, and I will maintain and promote high standards of character, service and leadership. "

She is currently on an exchange medical oncology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Siolas completed a research track / resident in internal medicine at the same center. His mentor was Dr. Rany Condos, Associate Professor, New York University Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Siolas received the prestigious E-TRADE FINANCIAL grant from the Hellenic Medical Society of New York, in 2010 for her performance in medical school at Stony Brook University.

In addition to his medical degree, she is a recipient of a Ph.D. in genetics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook University for studies they conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Greg Hannon, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The title of his dissertation is RNA screens barcode, a tool for the study of gene function. This research has shown that small RNA hairpins could be used hair to cancer studies will help.
Siolas received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from St. John University summa cum laude in 2001. She was the first student in the history of St. John's University in the Medical Scientist Training Program at Stony Brook University are accepted. His mentor at St. John's University was Rev. Robert Stephanopoulos, Ph.D., former dean of the Holy Trinity of the Greek Archdiocese of America Cathedral and Assistant Professor of Theology at St. John's University. Former University Dean Salvatore Spizziri of St. John, a descendant of Bari in southern Italy (where the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra were interned) was asked to pursue a medical career. Shaped his advice and encouragement during his undergraduate years, his future medical career.
Shirley Strum Kenny, President of Stony Brook University in the 2005-2006 edition of Graduate Student (GSA), Siolas bliss and his supervisor Dr. Hannon for their federal funding Breast Cancer Research Program Idea Award. The price of $ 500,000 was the largest that. A student in 2006 She has presented papers at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) meeting and was a student member of the board of Physicians for Long Range Planning of the American Medical Association (AMA). Siolas is currently a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists and plans for the continuation of research on pancreatic cancer for the rest of her purse.

