
Meeting of the shoe is the future of fashion and 3D printing

  At this time, fashion is mired in 3D Printed Novelty - each piece seems to scream Hey, what's possible with this technology craaaazy look. One day can be printed everyday clothes, but that day is not here yet simple. However, this does not mean that savvy designers such as London-based Earl Stewart should not tinker with different techniques to see what sticks. In fact, that's exactly why they should.

It is certainly high concept, but it would fit on the track without warning And that is exactly the gap that must be bridged 3D printing "printed in 3D.": The transition from novelty omnipresence. This is exactly what Stewart considers his creations - they are not in 3D, such as shoes, the integration of 3D elements printed shoes will be printed if required.

"I now began this project as a way to showcase the potential of the real world of 3D printing and how we begin to take advantage of their future," he told Gizmodo. "I wanted to not only exploit the potential to redefine what could be a shoe, even if it to bring no limit tools, but 3D printing as a way to bring the benefits of digital design in the physical world. "

Then he took a different path from her peers and has something to do with 3D components and traditional printed materials. Compared with other 3D printed shoes are often made with a very stiff material. Look at them, for example. They look cool, but they are not exactly comfortable look - or even sustainable. Stewart was thinking more about the way the foot is actually moving, and decided to do something that would be nice to create, leave it how it should move.

"All the other 3D-printed shoes tend to stay in the field of design, as they materials, especially stiff nylon, which is painful to wear printed. 'S foot is a sophisticated website, it requires a dynamic movement to the wearer . Often we can not compromise benefit a bit of style for comfort, we are happy to spend a little pain to have to look our best, "he said. "The shoe price is the next evolution of the needs that enables biomechanical performance, dynamic movement and supports should be supported, where comfort and their needs are, and does not hurt the final product aesthetic improvement (subjective)."

For now, the shoe price remains a prototype - a culmination of research Stewart. He would work to mass production, and it had a lot of interest. This is also a problem of lack of infrastructure, reliable manufacturing, with a lack of capital. But the idea is there - and that's exactly the kind of thinking that will ultimately transform 3D printed novelty in fashion technology timeless fashion.

