
Emma Stone Make 'Amazing Spider-Man "Premiere: Get your exact design

  The appearance of the beautiful actress, make-up for 28 1 June was created by celebrity makeup artist Rachel Goodwin Chanel. Discover the exact products they use!

Emma Stone, 23, Chanel and Revlon make-up wearing on their last trip on the red carpet. You can create the exact look by mixing with the pharmacy department store brand new.

His inspiration for the look of Emma said makeup artist Rachel Goodwin, "I wanted Emma to make simple and elegant. I used mostly in black and white with a hint of pink on the lips and cheeks. I have the contrast, by a shimmering white cream shadow over the entire lid, then add black liquid eyeliner. "

The rosy cheeks of Emma were created by a certain ridge Creme Blush in Berry Flirtatious Revlon in apples of her cheeks on her scalp. The color looks beautiful, natural and elegant. "It was important that a sense of fun and easy and does not control, such as make-up, they could have done themselves, but a little more refined," said Rachel.

Eye Make-up Emma is the epitome of refined. For Emma's sensual eyes black eyeliner, draw a thin line on upper and lower lashes with Revlon Colorstay Eye Cream Gel Liner in Black. The color is dark against her porcelain skin, making it immediately ready for the photo-!

Want to know the rest of the products used Rachel? The collapse of the view from Emma:

Face: Chanel Sheer Illuminating Base white, airbrush makeup Revlon Photo Ready vanilla mousse, Chanel "Beige Light fireworks" Exclusive Design-Illuminating Powder with Shimmer.

Eyes: Chanel shadows illusion in the imagination, Revlon mascara growth Luscious, Chanel Eyebrow Pencil Brun natural sculpture.

Lips: Revlon lip gloss in Lilac Colorburst crystal

In the U.S. funding, the name of luxury, such as discount

  28th June (IFR) - LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton luxury goods in the world's largest and most renowned empires is not the first name that comes to mind when you think of super-cheap price.

That is, if you have the U.S. bond market, where LVMH made its debut this week, thinking of taking advantage of low prices along with 14 other non-US companies, including iconic brands such as Heineken and Danone Europe again this year.

This is an unprecedented debut of Yankee enterprise - there was only one in the first half of 2011, and eight for the whole year - and the quality of name is that it is difficult to believe that they are not in dollars bonds issued before.

Samsung, for example, began in April with a $ 1 billion annually for five years, Volkswagen International Finance, and establish prices in the entire yield curve at a time in March when it issued U.S. $ 3.35bn of 18 months, two, three and five years U.S. grades for the first time.

Other international names, foreign less known, but national champions have returned home, made the trip. CEZ, the first program in the Czech Republic, made his debut in March with $ 1 billion of 10 - and 30-year bonds, as well as China's Sinopec oil and chemical company, with $ 3 billion in five, 10 and 30 years bonds.

The savings are great, especially for European issuers, by arbitration, if the issuer sold dollars for euros.

A high level by 75 basis points on outstanding targets 2017S and 2017S 85bp on lower-rated Heinz - LVMH, for example, has spent $ 850 million five-year bonds at 95bp over Treasuries.

But the premium was a Yankee basin compared to the 25-30BP over Euribor in the dollar swap deal. In comparison, its outstanding euro-denominated trade around 60bp over mid-swaps 2018s.

Price, but the price

As such no-brainers offers virtual prices, it is not the only incentive.

"Corporate treasurers are increasingly come outside the United States to the conclusion that there is a need to have a presence on the market in the U.S. dollar," said Jim Glascott, head of the global debt capital markets with Barclays.

"This awareness continues to lead the broadcast debut, as the United States nor the companies that get into the U.S. market, so they are well positioned to access it," he said.

No coincidence that the jump occurs in the issuer's Yankee debut together with the participants, which was seen in the show diving undertook exhaustive efforts to broaden the base station.

"The composition is based on the issuer changed significantly this year," Steven Becton, Head of Capital Markets investment-grade debt at Citigroup said.

"Much of the volume, which was held by financial institutions, has been replaced by non-US companies have been. Issuance of this group more than 35% for the first half of 2012 has increased over the same period in 2011."

Output of non-US banks is booming at about 25% to about U.S. $ 69 billion in the first half of this year, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, compared to levels in the first six months of record in 2011.

Total Financial Institutions Group (FIG), the program is about U.S. $ 170 billion so far this year to about 29% over the same period in 2011.

At the same time the non-financial expenditure increased to U.S. $ 118.5bn Yankee so far this year - and most of which is the United Kingdom and Europe. UK and European companies have raised about 49% more this year than they did in the first half of 2011, according to Bank of America Merrill.

The outlook for the second half of the year as a whole is less emission due to the U.S. presidential elections and the debate over impending budget cuts, the U.S. government has a mandate to do if the debt brake is not extended.


New Luxury Lust List

  The luxury is not exactly what it was, Dahling. The recession hurt consumer confidence, with feelings of Americans regarding their current and future financial stability fell by 25 percent in 2008, while the per capita income declined in 2009, is available for the first time, the maggot in almost two decades.

But as the Americans took leave of blingy watches, $ 50 Kobe burger, and it seemed like, wall to wall coverage of Paris Hilton, she beckoned in a new, less conspicuous kind of luxury. And even changed the scene of high-end consumers, it's like a fresh bottle of champagne appeared, full of an estimated $ 1.5 trillion in sales in 2012, according to a report released today IBISWorld.

What does this new consumer research from what is intended as a "luxury light" be?

Here is what IBIS has to say:

Labels and luxury for less: has purchasing habits have changed, but the desire to designer clothes, accessories and footwear slowed a bit. Rapid turnover as gold, haute look, RueLaLa and Ideeli are part of a scene, always crowded, but that does not mean that there is no more room to grow. Since 2007, approximately 73 new sites have sprung on sample sales, and IBIS is that 89 expected by the end of this year. As for brands, a report by Brand Keys released today shows that the importance of brand name has more than tripled since 2008. Its index Ralph Lauren / Polo, in the lead as the top brand in 2012, by (2) his favorite sports team, (3) Armani (4) Nike and (5) Versace and Chanel in connection followed.

As for dealing with sites, they went from four in 2007 to 632 IBIS estimates by the end of 2012. Despite the loss of many during the past year and Groupon good suffering documented as a publicly traded company, remember this is a revenue-generator, which is not only not before the recession, and the expansion of product development and services have helped grow the industry "exponentially , "the report said. The number of local day spas and nail salon owner, companies not only get business locations, but apparently are free of recession, increased from 5003 in 2007 to over 5406 in 2012.


How to dominate the top 10 luxury brands, the world came

  There is no purer form of marketing luxury brand marketing: It is an industry in which all customers drive perceptions. One slip and fall lists of most wanted Shoppers can quickly and brutally.

Luxury clothing, handbags, shoes, jewelry and maybe even well-made, but they are not hard to do. The whole business depends on keeping consumers confident that the brand alone is worth extra for is.

So what is best for this?

Each year, one of the market research firm Millward Brown, the top 10 luxury brands in the world, based on "brand equity." The BrandZ enterprise model takes into account the dollar earnings of a brand, its future earning potential and quality of the brand in the mind of the consumer to reach a final "brand value" expressed in dollars.

We share this information with a description of the marketing plan for each brand: Now you know why the labels to bear the wear.
10th Burberry. Brand Value: $ 4 billion, up 21%
Burberry story is often told: Once upon a time there was a brand that has been insensitive to the stuffy upper classes of Great Britain. Then in the 1990s, he invented himself adorned with a full line of clothing in the Burberry plaid. The company saw £ 1900000000 sales last year. The company built to expand its reach, now offers an extension of the body and Burberry Burberry Prorsum collection of upscale clothing.

The company is also proud of their digital marketing. His website has a click-to-chat function and stores only sell iPads for customers who want to sail across the screen.

A word of warning: Burberry said that growth in China slowed its last financial update.
9th Moet & Chandon 4200000000 $ to 8%
Parent control LVMH Moët 1.697 hectares of Champagne in France is growing, according to its annual report. Its brands include Moët & Chandon, Dom Perignon, Veuve Cliquot and Krug, and together they constitute 18.3 percent of the global market. Good luck in the competition with Moet-French of the agency that sets limits on the regulation, the annual production Champagne controls.

LVMH and is transmitted mainly in the region, and competitors can not enter unless the company sells. It's a classic barriers to competition-situation created by government regulation. (Prosecco and cava are often just as good as champagne, but people want to celebrate special occasions with "the real thing.")

It is not surprising that € 1.8 billion in sales came mainly from LVMH champagne.

8th Hennessy. Brand Value: $ 4.6 billion at 8%
Hennessy story revolves around the barriers to competition, built after you have created a dominant position, provided that you have done that may be more than a century ago. Hennessy Cognac brand was the highest since 1890 and now holds 41.1 percent market share. Cognac unit of LVMH, part of the Diageo drinks division reported € 1.7 million in sales last year. (The value of the brand be dropped, because its market share, two years earlier, Hennessy sells a share of over 50 percent in bottles.)

Good luck finding a foray into this market: Hennessy has 177 acres of the Cognac region is growing, and actually reduces the pay area of ​​60 hectares in 1999 in a scheme to farmers to grow other types of grapes, said his annual report.
7th Cartier. Brand Value: $ 4.8 billion euros, down 9%
There are two distinctive jewelry boxes in the world, robin's egg blue Tiffany, Cartier and red with gold accents. Cartier is the jeweler generally only be listed on Millward Bown.

The company is managed by the Richemont Group, which also owns Van Cleef & Arpels, among other things in possession. Her jewelry brands saw sales of € 4.5 billion last year, to € 3.5 billion in the previous year. China: The massive start-up can be explained in one word.

Here's how CEO Johann Rupert said, and we quote verbatim from recent results call Richemont

I will not say that this is sustainable. We have no idea what to do currencies.

... So, someone who will ask, "So what do you mean next year look like?" Why not ask the question not only because we do not answer that? It is not that we are shy or funny. We do not know. We do not want to do the currency, and we do not know if the Chinese continue to buy at infinity. We do not know.

... I feel like a black tie dinner at the top of a volcano am. Okay? This volcano is located in China, but that's what I feel. I am in the morning we will be better in our relationships and our watches and we are, and the food and the wine is better and the weather is great, but we fool ourselves. It is a volcano somewhere, be it this year, in ten years or twenty years. We are exposed to China. I think they are traveling more. I think it will survive. I think all these things, but we are now a "game from China," and it suits us, if the euro weakens.
6th Prada. Brand Value: $ billion 5.8, N / A
Prada store rose by 42 percent in the first Quarter of 2012, the Group recorded € 541.5 million of total revenue. Much of the success of Prada only one thing: a massive expansion in the number of branches. It opened 65 of them between April 2011 and April 2012.

Millward Brown said: "After the IPO (Initial Public Offering) in June 2011 raised on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which ($ 275 million) on € 206 million plans to Prada to add about 80 stores by year over the next three years with a total of 30 stores in China. Most jobs Prada will be branded stores, suggesting a general trend among luxury brands to assert tighter control over the brand by moving away from licensing and deductibles. brand currently operates over 200 stores worldwide and distributes an extensive network of wholesalers. "
5th Gucci. Brand Value: $ 6.4 billion, up 14%
Luxury goods holding company PPR frightened investors in the first quarter, noting that sales growth slowed in the fourth quarter of Gucci last year. "Slow" is a relative term. In 2011, sales amounted to € 3.2 billion, Gucci, up 18 percent over the previous year. They had a similar amount for the first quarter of 2012, as well. To 56 percent of sales come from Gucci handbags.

In the future, the Gucci posting a revision of his extravagant department stores, with digital video screens.

Unlike other luxury brands in a culture of almost obsessive secrecy about themselves (to say that exclusive, heavy), PPR more down-to-earth, how it intends to operate Gucci is that it acquired in 2004. He centralized media buying for all its brands (including Volcom and Puma). And it is constantly stirred to its supply chain factory to the store, which it owns, in whole or in control.
4th Chanel. Brand Value: $ 6.7 billion, up 2%
In the 1970s, after the death of Coco Chanel, the brand itself rescued by the list of dealers to sell the Chanel No. 5 of 18,000 to 12,000 and making it harder to find and more desirable.

Chanel head designer Karl Lagerfeld and have hard to ensure that the air of exclusivity (it does not sell products online, for example) to keep working, and the company has approximately € 1.8 billion pounds of revenue per year. But it has actually expanded its brand to more mass market again, as with Coco Mademoiselle sub-brand for young women.

Like many luxury brands, Chanel has also opened new stores in Asia, and Lagerfeld special attention to Japan, where a Chanel store in Ginza.
Third Rolex. Brand Value: $ 7.2 billion, up 36%
Rolex sport closely associated equestrian, golf, motor sports, skiing, tennis and sailing. All these activities are favored by the super-rich, and that Rolex is the most popular shows among the "penta millionaires", or people with a net worth topping $ 5,000,000, according to Luxury Institute. Rolex is based on the majority of print ads and sponsorship of tennis players like Roger Federer, Ana Ivanovic, Andy Roddick and Justine Henin, but it can run ads on ESPN on major tennis tournaments.

Since 2008 the private company Rolex succeeded in spite of herself. The brand has a new leadership in 2008, as CEO Patrick Heiniger came for "personal reasons" after reports that it lost $ 900 million of company money in the Ponzi scheme of Bernie Madoff. He was Bruno Meier, who replaced the corporate culture of secrecy maintained. Then in 2011, Meier was replaced by Riccardo Marini, who was previously responsible for the Rolex Italia. The brand's flagship London store was sold last year for £ 12.5 million.

No one really knows if the company is healthy or not.
Second Hermes. Brand Value: $ 19200000000, up 61%

CEO Patrick Thomas warned growth slowed down when he, the results of the first quarter of 2012, which delivered a 22 percent increase in revenues of € 777 million included. Part of the secret is Hermes-management in order to keep it in the family. In June 2013, Axel Dumas became co-CEO of Hermès International, along with Thomas-Dumas is a member of the sixth generation of the Hermes family, and is currently the Chief Operating Officer.

The company sees itself as guardian of the creativity and craftsmanship. But it is also financially disciplined, he sold his interest for Jean Paul Gaultier and recently expanded into household items. The chain has only 328 stores worldwide.

Annual report of the company is quite unpredictable. It describes the performance of last year as well, "Hermes spent 2011 with the lightness of the horse, who plays the obstacle."
First Louis Vuitton. Brand Value: $ 25900000000 by 7%
Louis Vuitton's strategy is to associate only with celebrities classic, iconic. His new campaign include Muhammad Ali, for example. The star has just finished Angelina Jolie sitting in a boat in Cambodia. Other stars who joined the brand are Mikhail Baryshnikov, with Annie Leibovitz, Pele with Maradona and Zinedine Zidane, with Bono and Ali Hewson. Carcelle, CEO of Louis Vuitton, LV is considered the luxury brand that is most closely associated with travel.

The parent company, LVMH, has sales of € 8700000000 Leather Goods in 2011-7500000000 € last year. It has an operating margin of 35 percent, which earned more in recent years, according to a plan of 1998 to its list of suppliers for leather, which probably had the effect of the maintenance of price competition between its suppliers expand. LV also controls its distribution through a chain of 1,200 stores it owns.

Real growth of this brand, however, comes from Asia, Japan and South America. Sales are actually available in Europe and the U.S.


Fashion, Food, Dancing Mark World Refugee Day in the near Vickery

  African men who were dancing to the beat of a drum and singing a dozen women in long colorful dresses in bold circle waving at Fair Oaks Park Saturday afternoon. With bright scarves wrapped around her head, her body seemed like water plants on the music and songs move.

It was the celebration of World Refugee Day, an afternoon with Bhutan, Burma, Iraq and dance filled music from different parts of Africa and crafts and food all over the world. (See the picture to show here.)

"An improvisational performance in Somalia," said the emcee spontaneous dance. It was just under 100 degrees, but that did not prevent the celebration of Catholic Charities organization.

An international fashion show a clear track in the grass near a shady tree. An Egyptian woman sporting fashion wore a long white dress with a ventilated Sphynx gold in the chest and bottom of the pyramid. It was topped with a cap rhinestone net. Somali women wore head scarves and long dresses are bright. Bhutan fat girls wearing silk ankle-length dresses, two teenage models had their hair dyed orange inclined.

In the meantime, under the flag of arts and crafts and food, has an Iraqi women's fine jewelry, pillow in hand, and other companies, carefully decorated and sold gold. Ban Salih sold his wares from his home Vickery Meadow. She was a fashion designer in Iraq has continued to flee his work in Jordan, where she designs her own, and now they are creating here in Dallas. Around him were other clothing and jewelry makers from Africa, Burma and Bhutan.

Some refugees have been in America for years, some for mere months. It was a beautiful afternoon to forget the difficulties of leaving home for a new country and celebrate the growing community of Dallas people from around the world.


'Five Fingers' latest fashion phenomenon

  Vibram Five Fingers, the bizarre, barefoot running shoes from Hollywood starlets thrown, is fast becoming the accessory of the year in which the most desirable. It began as a "return to nature" craze running, Telegraph reported.

Then Hollywood starlets began with what looked like oversized rubber gloves occur on the feet.

Now threatens the "Five Fingers" shoes, with individual slots for each toe, to be the fad of the summer.

At the same time it is part of the public.

The owner of the shoes - Danny Glover, actor and Kate Hudson, Scarlett Johansson, actresses are - say they are stylish and good for the posture.

But critics call "ugly" and holders of claims like Bigfoot, or a gorilla in a suit. Store sales in the UK are hundreds of pairs of shoes per week, which were first described by the Italian company Vibram for "barefoot" athletes, creating a natural running style and want to protect their feet in the city streets.

Emerging from the City of London, and execute Shop said with his new £ 105 the pair, Milan Vajs, 38, a businessman in the Westminster-based. "I like walking barefoot I feel good in it, as I releases I. 'll go shopping and parties in them I like anatomically her look.. "Richard Burden, 29, a charity worker from Edgware, North West London tried a couple and said," I saw wearing someone and thought "it differently is. "I want to see if they really work, or if it just something to say to people who are" Look at me, I wear gloves for coaches. "

He added: ". You should rarely used the muscles as you strengthen your toes I'll probably end up buying some." Daily Times Monitor


Made fashion industry for the death of the teenage daughter Fiona Geraghty responsible

  The death of a teenager who was found hanged while on an eating disorder was attributed to the obsession of the fashion industry for thinness.

Fiona Geraghty, 14, a student of public Nails Bourne, near Taunton, was found dead in her bedroom last July. West Somerset coroner Michael Rose recorded a verdict yesterday mishap, but it urged magazines to stop using "thin" models.

In a scathing attack on the fashion industry, he said: "The only class of person who is not here, I feel, is directly responsible for what has happened is, the fashion industry.

"I know from personal experience that there are the problems of eating disorders in adolescents, especially girls, not before the 1970s. This period in the fashion industry and magazines promoted models of thin and slim figure.

"I ask, in particular magazines in the fashion industry in order to stop pictures to the very thin girls. A magazine, I think, Vogue, recently decided not to do so. It is, I fear, to control a growing problem and to they will go there. "

The girl's parents had said that the investigation of their daughter bulimia by taunts about his weight caused the school. The headmaster of King's College be denied that Fiona had been bullied.

The coroner said he could not be sure that Fiona had the intention to take life as it would be a cry for help.

Louis Vuitton, the maker of luxury luggage

  When he was 14, packed his bags and Louis Vuitton went from home.

Tired of French provincial life, and at war with his step-mother, the troubled teenager went all the way to Paris, a 275 mile trip to him for two years.

Once he set foot in the big city, Vuitton has estimated that he found his calling.

In a time when haute couture is flourishing in Paris, has a flat top Vuitton suitcases, lightweight, waterproof, stackable and designed with a separate compartment for stylish clothes and accessories of the time.

A milestone in the history of transportation fell Vuitton suitcase with the rise of revolutionary railroad and steamboats, the origin of the place, and the age of exploration.

In this process, the Vuitton name has become synonymous with luxury and haute couture, a reputation that continues today.

Paris punch

"It was an incredible time in fashion,'' Rebecca Kelly, who teaches and writes about the history of fashion, says the EIA." Paris was the Paris we know today. He was his time. And it was the right place at the right time.

"He was able to seize the day and have a very successful company, which of course has evolved to the present day and one of the best known brands in the world.''

The son of a carpenter, Vuitton (1821-1892) was born in the remote mountains of the Jura in eastern France, where the possibilities were limited.

"He had ideas and training, he was always thinking."? What is the next thing I can do'' 'said Abby Lille tuna, art and design professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey. "But it would have been very difficult, as the time to have to go to Paris - and to do it in Paris, was indeed a successful business is a highly stratified society'' ..

As he made his way to Paris, Vuitton took up odd jobs to finance the trip, worked as a stable hand and kitchen help.

Settle into the French capital in 1837, he landed an apprenticeship with a skilled craftsman of custom made wooden boxes.

Vuitton came from a long line of Muller, carpenters and joiners, nor support the mythical activity, which he founded.

Vuitton has also been a professional packers, a smart move at a time when the aristocrats were traveling at up to 60 pieces of luggage, worked their prom dresses and skirts made of horsehair meet.


Chinese return luxury shares during basics: Table of the Day

  The shares of Chinese companies that provide basic needs of consumers and those who provide discretionary products are divergent from most in 16 months, a trend poised to put an end to China takes measures to stimulate economic growth.

Charts of the day shows the relationship between the MSCI China consumer staples and discretionary action gauge is the lowest level since February 2011, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The correlation coefficient of 120 days of observations varies from 0.63 to 0.66 based on 28 May The average ratio of 0.80 for a period of six months to March. A value of 1 gives the indices move in motion, while a value of zero means that there is no relationship.

The Discretionary index of Chinese companies in Hong Kong listed Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. from BYD Co. to fell by 6.2 percent this year on concern the Chinese are compromising on major purchases such as economy cools composed. This is the worst performance among 10 industry groups. The gauge staples gained 1.6 percent.

The ratings of the companies that manufacture the basic products "are very broad and the competition is tough, so there is more danger," Gigi Chan, fund manager at Threadneedle Investments, the U.S. $ 123.1 billion in assets under management, has said, on June 1, 14 maintenance in Singapore. "We found the most interesting ideas in the discretionary space."

HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong-based strategist, recommends Steven and cyclical stocks, quotes, interest rates and declining economic growth. "Cyclical" stocks trading at 12 times estimated earnings on average by 20 percent on average over five years, compared to 15 times for "defensive" companies, the same reduction at the end of 2008, it said in a report . China announced on 7 June reduced borrowing costs for the first time since 2008.

The gauge of 19 companies including discretionary luxury watch retailer Hengdeli Holdings Ltd. and Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd., while the volume comprises of 11 staples company diaper manufacturer Hengan International Group Co., Wumart Stores Inc. and China Mengniu Dairy Co.


So, who is the new face of fashion? Models and Joan Smalls Karlie Kloss claimed the right as

  They are two of the brightest young stars of the fashion industry.

But as Joan Smalls models, 23 and Karlie Kloss, 19, with two versions of the W Magazine July

cover, "The new face of fashion," it says, we can not help but wonder, where beauty reigns


The magazine said the couple, together for the new face of fashion "for her meteoric rise to

stardom in general.

Both photographed by renowned fashion photographer Steven Meisel, the two images were approached

quietly to showcase the amazing features of the face of every woman.

An ultra-tanned woman Kloss, who was in Chicago, Illinois, was born, a jacket by Yves Saint

Laurent as silk long brown hair falling over her shoulders.

His piercing green eyes narrowed to appear violently as she looks into the lens still add the

softness of her skin and her pale lips gloss contrast.

Mrs. Smalls, born in Puerto Rico, also one on the cover, while others pose win.

The hairstyle was given a wild loop, as it falls to her shoulders, in the same way that Ms. Kloss


Her makeup was also kept simple lift for the eyes with plenty of narrow black eyeliner.

She is wearing a Dolce & Gabbana blend of cotton and silk blouse with ruffle detail.

Celebrity makeup artist Pat McGrath worked his magic on both the face of the girl.

Mrs. Truesdale told the magazine she has never been so much raised in the fashion as a child to

see in St. Louis, Missouri, after his family moved to Chicago.

"My sisters have always been those beautiful Glamazons, and I'm like, this skinny high stick in

the family, she said." And I'm always the big girl, on the slopes. Every time I see Karl

Lagerfeld, it's always like "Karlie, you have stopped growing yet You? You bigger?"

"It's something that I did not myself, as tall and thin, but it turned out to be the greatest

asset I have -. How strange I'm single"

She was the face of the fragrance by Marc Jacobs Lola in the past and also had a handbag that

bears his name, among many other achievements in the industry.

She became a Victoria's Secret Angel in November last year.

Mrs. Smalls said his career was cemented when she walked the runway for take-off and designer

Riccardo Tisci at Givenchy couture for his show in 2010.

"He saw my potential, she said." And it changed the perspective of the people. "

The model is currently starring in a major campaign Calvin Klein Jeans and also in the

prestigious Pirelli calendar this year presented, who also played Kate Moss and Lara Stone on

other models.


union boss Elba Esther Gordillo maintains a stranglehold on the Mexican School

 MEXICO CITY - Elba Esther Gordillo, the 67-year-old "life president" of the national teachers' union in Mexico, rarely ventures out in public without clothes and designer handbags from Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton and Hermes.

It bears the wealth and power, and they can go through the gates of Los Pinos, the Mexican White House, at any time. Sitting presidents and fear of his court.

Consistently as the least popular of the nation's most prominent figures in the ranks, friends and enemies know him simply as "Elba Esther" and "The Master".

His style is opaque and the strong hand and the personal wealth amassed, they emphasize the old Mexico of corrupt power and privilege in the 20th Century has reigned in his pockets as the nation inches toward modernity.

A native of Chiapas state in rural Mexico to the south, rose from a humble position Gordillo in a primary school in Nezahualcoyotl, a suburb of Mexico through the ranks of the largest union in Latin America to finally depressed sidekick and mistress of the union leaders. In 1989, knocked the then president, Carlos Salinas de Gortari him, the teachers' union, a backbone of strength for the Institutional Revolutionary Party - conducting PRI in its Spanish initials - he reigned from 1929 to 2000 and is expected to preside over the vote on first July to recover.

Significantly, the PRI candidate in 2012, Enrique Peña Nieto, the only of those who have the presidency, which has not committed to spending Gordillo on taking office.

Gordillo hoarse, made his passion and talent for his favorite plastic surgeon's scalpel it easy subject for cartoonists, but as the head of the union, Gordillo shows the calculation of steel to keep enemies out of balance, based on reasonable politicians in office and is serving the they consider potential internal opponents.

"It exile, if you tell yourself," said Aldo Munoz, an education researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico State. "It brings together teams of people who are in confrontation. There are four people who send hate one another to perform a service."

She also has showers fans with generosity. In 2006, the newspaper Reforma Gordillo had 125 unionized teachers and subordinates, with their children during a seven-day cruise in the Pacific aboard the Pride of Hawaii, and later, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

When the media revealed it had ordered 59 lobsters to his senior staff in 2008, they announced that they had a raffle vehicles and pay for the renovation of 10 schools.

Critics speak of her in harsh tones and wild. A columnist in the newspaper El Universal, Lydia Cacho, the label 23 April as "one of the most malignant cancers" in Mexico. Foro In a televised debate in February, responded analyst Denise Dresser quick question, what would it Gordillo. "It pains me to say, but I think the general feeling that they die, perhaps in the next plastic surgery "

Gordillo has remained faithful, after they threw the PRI from power, as the party general secretary, and also as deputy federal and senator. But if the PRI candidate badly trailing edge of the presidential campaign of 2006, it triggered the second great schism in the party to meet its 83-year history. They took their support - and the Union - the party of Felipe Calderon's center-right National Action, the exchange for promises of jobs for family members and its main allies. The betrayal allowed Calderon to win by the narrowest margin in modern Mexican history squeak.

Gordillo has a nominal salary as director of the school, the equivalent of $ 2,070 per month, but his wealth far exceeds the salary which would allow.

Journalistic investigations over the years have identified 64 houses in Mexico City, office buildings, ranches and rural properties abroad, which are probably linked to Gordillo or her immediate family. Among them is a six-room house in La Jolla, California, Gordillo purchased nearly 1.7 million, according to a report in March in Mexico weekly Proceso. The house has seven bathrooms, a three-car garage, swimming pool and a private dock on the river, the magazine reported.

Gordillo talks to reporters only on rare occasions. His office declined requests for an interview during a period of six months and said she was too busy.

Political analysts say Gordillo possible departure from the political scene is not necessarily the beginning of an enlightened and democratic leadership.

"If we will send Elba Esther Jupiter, the person who takes his place, just do the same if the rules remain the same," Jorge Javier Romero, a political scientist at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, said.

"That's not it. This is an institutional problem."


mode Revisited

  When was that? Three years ago? I went to buy something and I noticed a long curly eyelashes

nicely to the seller. I did that before. They sleep in the morning and take your lashes like

pillows. I could not control myself. Where you have your eyelashes?

She beamed. In our company, she said. Do you want? It was tempting, but I'm old now. Forty-five

years, I would have jumped at the chance. Then we wore false eyelashes every day. I was an expert

and could rely on mine in less than a minute. They made her face alive. Now they are back in

style. I could go back and re-use, except my face and my eye fell inches away. How can I glue

false eyelashes if I can not see a thing without my glasses?

In my 20's and 30 men I have admired. I would go in and people are turning to look at. Now I take

a walk and everyone thinks I'm as transparent as air, not just there. So, I am living just to


I hate curtains. They gather too much dust, and they block out the light. Outside my window I see

the leaves and shade my room. But one day last year, they cut the trees. I had to think of

something to obstruct the view. When my oldest daughter, Risa, has a lot of things done for the

house. When they migrated to the United States for most of his business has stayed with me. I

decided to turn them into mobile. They now hang heavily in my window. His son, Nicc are, come to

me and I took a picture. He called the original hippie. Exactly! This is what I am.

Ours was a generation of extreme rebellion. We reversed the institution. What was your creation?

Institutions, the manner to be things. Due to our guts in the world is now more free than before.

The women learned to curse himself. I like curse, but now to control myself, because more people

do not swear. The hippies did the marriage because they felt constricted. Until the 50's a rather

conservative magazine Cosmopolitan, the short story was presented. In the '60s, he spoke of women

who are burning their bras, so that their husbands. The struggle against the institution intends

to break all the rules.

Now that fashion is back. I used to wear mini skirts, three inches below the hip. Then I had nice

legs. The office of my boss did not ask me ever to get back in the bottom drawer filing cabinet.

I crouch to get it. Then the girls who took the Jeep to work will wear basketball shorts under

their mini skirts. Well, they only wear shorts. We used to wear, what we call hot pants. All I

can say now is - what happened to my legs? In the past they have be awesome again Π.

Today, they maxi-dresses. Long dresses with one shoulder bare. When I was young, my robes tied

around my neck and in the middle of my back. We do not wear bras. Our breasts were young, tall

and proud. Now? Joan Rivers said it best. She complained about a man who tries by their

freshness. He was setting an ankle bracelet - a bracelet on his ankle and touched his chest. His

chest was so low. I laughed all night. Excellent joke. I wonder how many people he got.

And platform shoes! We wore platform shoes in the 60s. I remember a warning on my diviner

heights. Anything over an inch, she said. It will fall and you hurt your arm. I went to Hong Kong

and I bought a pair of platform shoes pink and green. Then walk on the sidewalk, I stumbled and

fell between a young couple and scratched my arm on the spindle young woman. The fortune teller

was right absurd.

As a hippie was a wonderful thing. I remember in Sausalito in the early '70s, the house and

flower children. There I saw a beautiful thin, blond young woman in a see-through kurta, Indian

dress then so fashionable. He was off-white, and she was naked under harsh. She wore flowers in

her hair and was of French bread that she had been shopping in a basket strapped to the arm. I

was shocked and envious at the same time. I wish I had the courage to do it.

Thus, the mode is back, but I'm too old to wear it. But, I remember very well. And all I have to

say is that the youth of today do not have the same kind of courage and spirit that we had when

we are young in the 60s and 70s were.

Louis Vuitton Resort 2013 Unlocks

 A break from the status quo has the Louis Vuitton looks of the new collection coming in 2013 published Resort.

Creative Director Julie de scale, slight tribute usual brand of dull colors, but the overwhelming reason the line is very colorful.

The scale took notes from the chic and distinguished French colonial Vuitton Resort 2013, from the rest of the market.

Elements such as shorts, skirts, pants and tops made of leather printed chic, and many details and accents make this range stand out.


In conversation with Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs face

  Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs have been gathered under one roof, Les Arts Decoratifs in Paris. Lola takes Saab into the last exposure

  Jacobs took the woman's traditional LV and spiced up a bit, is as stylish and chic accessories

 Lucire readers may remember an article in 2010, a profound and insightful look at Louis Vuitton luggage and traveling the famous brand, which was held at the Musée Carnavalet in Paris. As we fast forward to 2012, another exhibition of a similar nature was back in Paris, but this time, Louis Vuitton is not the only one in the spotlight. The famous French designer shares the stage with the works of Marc Jacobs, an artist, many of us are eager to follow and season after season.

Once the Paris Fashion Week ended, the Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs show was just beginning. It takes place in the decorative arts, March 9 to 16 September 2012, visitors are invited to a historic site in the history of fashion, bringing together two influential fashion icons. Exhibition curator, Pamela Golbin (we had the pleasure of the interviews in the past), shows historical and modern appeal. The exhibition shows how the two designers have contributed to the fashion world.

Louis Vuitton has established its brand in 1854 and Marc Jacobs has been its artistic director in 1997. Shimmering with more than a century apart, they both provided the industry with similar characteristics, highlighting the most important attributes of way together, including the elegance, style and grace with works of art.

The exhibition is divided into two floors. When you enter the first floor, you are greeted by Louis Vuitton luggage and the nineteenth century, the Museum of Fashion and accessories collection. As one moves toward the second floor, one enters the world of Marc Jacobs with many modern pieces of Wonder, with performances of his works from the past 15 years of his career.

Every designer is a fashion extravagant flair appropriate for its time. You trends and details of the style. Jacobs certainly easy to contain more colors and features racy in its collections. It provided women with handbags, the practices employed, will do more as a property of a business, but are also designed to attract attention. Jacobs simply took the traditional woman and her LV spiced a bit, as is elegant and chic accessories.

Although Jacobs and Vuitton differences that define them as individual designers under one brand, there are similar properties that bring them together side by side under one roof. They argue, in hope of magic from year to year, so the more people that Louis Vuitton is not only an internationally recognized label, but a work of popular art making. •


Muhammad Ali as the new face of Louis Vuitton campaign

  By Molly C. Braswell, Staff Writer, Image: Muhammad Ali and grandson of CJ in campaign ads for the basic

values ​​(Source: WSJ)

High fashion house Louis Vuitton has gone in a direction very different from their habit, as faces of the

brand, but no one expects nothing less than creative director Marc Jacobs.

Muhammad Ali is the latest spokesperson for the company core values ​​of their campaign. The famous

photographer Annie Leibovitz has photographed the last month in Arizona.

The 70-year-old retired heavyweight boxing poses with his grandson, son, CJ-3 years in advertising.

The $ 1.525 Keepall 50 Luggage Bag logo sits next to Ali. The sentence: "Some stars show you the way",

appears at the bottom of the engraving.

"Of all the grandchildren, the Chief Justice Muhammad is like most, and he is very similar," said Ms Ali.

"This child I'll tell you!"

Moreover, like his grandfather, Chief Justice wears a pair of boxing gloves. It is perhaps a bit of

foreshadowing ...

First, the drawings in newspapers and magazines will be published on Thursday.

Although the Louis Vuitton campaign is wonderful goodwill message Ali, he is famous for his victories in

the ring. Ali won the fight against George Foreman, Joe Frazier and Sonny Liston, and he was nicknamed

"The Greatest".

George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal Citizen in 2005.

Unfortunately, Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 1984th It's "brain disorder that leads to

shaking (tremors) and difficulty in walking, movement and coordination," the U.S. National Library of


Vuitton has already hired astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actress Angelina Jolie, ballet dancer Mikhail

Baryshnikov, rocker Bono and his wife Ali Hewson, the French soccer star Zinedine Zidane and American

physicist and pulled NASA astronaut Sally represented riding on you in the campaign.

Karl Lagerfeld design new makeup collection for Shu Uemura

   Karl Lagerfeld is everywhere - beautiful on the design of Drew Barrymore Chanel haute couture dress wedding, the amfAR in Cannes to attend the ball "with Karine Roitfeld, an opening for his new exhibition in New York hosts early on the black jacket last week - and yes It is an established photographer, too. And what man does in his spare time, he July, the new fashion Chanel Haute Couture in Paris PREPS? He designed a new line of cosmetic aesthetics.

But contrary to what one might think, they are not for Chanel. Lagerfeld designs the holiday makeup palette for Japanese cosmetic brand Shu Uemura. It turns out that he was for twenty years, adding color to his fashion sketches with Shu Uemura products, not with the regular art supplies. Quirky? Of course - and expensive, too.

All we know now that (we do not know exactly which stores, but Barney's door Shu Uemura) is a collection of 17 pieces that will be in stores in November. And in fact, Lagerfeld has already shot the advertising campaign for her. We know the taste of Charles in the clothing - women born, grew up, a combination of ruffles and edgy. What is his feeling on? Interesting, of course. What does Karl think of Chanel? Obviously not enough to prevent it from you on a colorful new store.


  "Every designer dreams of the invention of the Chanel jacket," said Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel Gotham Magazine, said the infamous fashion staple, a consistent favorite for generations and has inspired countless copies over the years. "He is there with jeans or T-shirt, it is neutral, which means it can be male or women's wear," he said.

Because of its durability, Chanel, under the direction of Karl Lagerfeld and former editor of Paris Vogue Carine Roitfeld, created "The Little Black Jacket" exhibition of more than 100 black-and-white photographs of celebrities, including Sarah Jessica Parker, Kanye West, Yoko Ono and Tilda Swinton wore Chanel jackets that were made specifically for the photos. Photos will also be a book by the end of this summer.

The idea came to the duo more than a year ago, when Roitfeld was to have a custom made black Chanel jacket for her.

Designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel designed her first black jacket notorious in 1916 when they present themselves again, as women began to dress.

"The fashion has become a joke," she said. "The designers have forgotten that there are women in the clothes. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they must also be able to move to get into a car without bursting their seams! The Clothing should be in a natural form. "

In the year 1936 began with Chanel tweed jackets to create it and set it up in the fur of their status. After the death of Chanel in 1971, the Chanel jacket has gone out of fashion, but returned to favor in the 1980s. In the early 90's stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, the Chanel jacket is modernized by wearing with jeans.

This exhibition is all about the versatility of the little black jacket.

Dakota Fanning, is a floral wreath in her hair and a bohemian-net is photographed in a black jacket. Model Freja Beha Erichsen's style in his black jacket to look like a nun. Photo Roitfeld is a direct homage to Coco Chanel itself.

The photographs were taken by Lagerfeld in a period of one year in New York, Paris and southern France broke. Having just arrived in New York, the exhibit to several other cities over the course of the year to travel.

The exhibition is worth seeing for those who love fashion and celebrity-watchers. Do you want your own little black Chanel jacket? In those days, they run several thousand dollars each, then this show could be as close as you can get.

"The little black jacket" to 15 June at 18 Wooster St.

"The little black jacket: Chanel classic revisited," Steidl ($ 98) was published, from 15 August.


Fashion Blogger and YouTube visit Wendy Nguyen for FIDM Event Stylist challenge

  YouTube was recently a stylist challenge event on the campus of FIDM Los Angeles. Students at the Fashion Institute were invited to work in teams of three to take a look and start to create runway ready in just 10 minutes. The winner won $ 200 in prizes and a tutorial session with YouTube Fashion Star Wendy Nguyen.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) 8 June 2012

YouTube has recently visited the campus of the Los Angeles FIDM / Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising for an entertaining event stylist challenge. The students were asked to split into teams of three FIDM - stylist, model and videographer - to follow style, an outfit that would be ready in just 10 minutes.

The winning team won Captivators creative, designed by the Apparel Industry Management students Anthony Hernandez, $ 200 in prizes and a tutorial session with YouTube star fashion look book by Wendy Wendy Nguyen. YouTube representatives mingled on campus for a few hours with a DJ and refreshments, questions and answers on how to best use network video channel to fashion and beauty brands to promote.

"The creativity of the students FIDM is perfectly in line with the creative community that is already on YouTube. We are very excited to see how the students use the platform to their personal brands FIDM," said YouTube strategist Margaret Gregory.

FIDM official YouTube channel allows fashion lovers a behind the scenes of the fashion school. Visitors can watch parades FIDM START, go inside the classroom, and learn what it really is a student at FIDM. There are also useful in the way of fashion and beauty and DIY videos.

FIDM / Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising is a co-educational, specialized, private college in the education of young students for the fashion, graphics, interior design, and entertainment industries. Known as one of the best fashion design schools, FIDM is also a school of design leading graphics and digital media in college. Visit fidm.edu for more information.

Fashion passion is still Madonna

  LOS ANGELES 7th June 2012 - / PRNewswire / - Madonna tour MDNA, in Tel Aviv on the 31st Opened in May includes more than 700 costume pieces, six costume changes for the Material Girl and costume changes for the dancers to each song. The show has already announced his extravagance of the most amazing and spectacular of all.

Years of Madonna stylist, Arianne Phillips and his 25 employees have a network of designers from big names and emerging talents such as Jean-Paul Gaultier Couture, Brooks Brothers shirts and sticks, Prada / MiuMiu established Shoes, Club Street and innovative style & Jeremy Scott Adidas holistic Dolce & Gabbana and many new creative partnerships, as well as its own truth or dare lingerie line, and shoes that are scheduled for release in the fall. MDNA Material Girl tour covers mainly the area of ​​long-term employees and new partners, fashion designers, retailers and artists as well as elements of shimmering Swarovski crystals. "I see Madonna one of the greatest musicians and artists of our generation," said Phillips, twice for an Oscar, who has worked with Madonna for over 15 years and four towers was nominated.

The wardrobe reflects new twists on familiar topics, including spirituality, prophecy, light, super-vixen, Americana / perky cheerleader with a message, male, female, redemption and celebration. With different styles, including Truth or Dare lingerie with crosses, colored T-shirt of chain mail armor, accessories specially developed, including gargoyle masks and rabbits, Brooks Brothers shirts and sticks, swords, weapons, accessories, jewelry, mirrors tracksuits, T-shirts warlord Phillips is designed Jeanne d'Arc, a cheerleader outfit with the silhouette of the 1940s inspired costume and Shaolin Warriors, fashionistas, easily a wide range of styles and trends is likely. Warning infamous Madonna in every detail is called for each tightening, carefully compiled by Phillips and his team are to fit the vision of Our Lady, each song to a unit in itself.

Pal Madonna and Jean-Paul Gaultier took her many years of gender-bending challenge of male and female roles to new heights and together have created a specially designed cage corset. "You have to still say a lot," Phillips said.

"In the spirit of creating the ability, character, and to better inform the narrative of the show, I have voluntarily chosen, are to collaborate with fashion designers, not only but also with artists such as Desi Santiago, Michael Smith and Erik Halley," said Phillips. Madonna and Phillips have also to emerging fashion designers, including Fausto Puglisi, Gio Diev, Paul Seville and chromate looked.

Line such as Madonna, Truth or Dare, including lingerie and shoes is well represented on the tour. "It was very exciting pieces that we always wanted and needed to create, and the individual mode" DNA, "in which Madonna. And there is so much to create designs that people can buy and have some Madonna their own lives, "said Phillips.

To download photos of Madonna tour MDNA and sketches of some of the drawings, please go to:

After opening night, told Rolling Stone: "The eyes are so bold as any, it is supported, and clearly a tribute to a pantheon of powerful female archetypes, including of course the blink of an eye to its own past glory under the. most striking aspect is a modern interpretation of what the immortal warrior saint Joan of Arc was able to concentrate on a crusade future. We do not believe in Madonna arrive for Rock & Roll, nor any of his clothes are clothes. We, in order for a performance unmatched ultra pop, and this is what MDNA to prove as an album and tour, was looking for. one does not pop provocateur best, and no one sees even now it is cool "

MDNA Madonna's world tour in support of his album MDNA, which debuted at No.1 in 40 countries.

About Live Nation Entertainment: Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world's leading live entertainment and e-commerce companies, four leaders together: Ticketmaster.com, Live Nation Concerts, Front Line Management Group Network and Live Nation . Ticketmaster.com is the world's leading event ticketing and one of the world's five best e-commerce sites, with nearly 27 million visitors per month. Live Nation Concerts produces more than 22,000 shows a year for more than 2,300 artists. Frontline is the world of top artist management company with more than 250 artists. These companies provide Live Nation Network, the leading provider of entertainment marketing, allowing advertisers to almost 800 200 million consumers each year provides Live Nation open up its live event and digital platforms. For more information, visit www.livenation.com / investors.


Japan-inspired shoe designer Lady Gaga

 Tatehana who has over 20 pairs of Lady Gaga in the past two years, said he took the traditional "geta" shoes and geisha is a modern form, with its sculptural platforms.

"Is .. My work as an icon, he has not only as a brand for me, he was also a part of his trademark work," Tatehana said in a recent interview at his Tokyo workshop, cluttered art books, and his elegant shoes - with a sparkling Swarovski crystals, some with gold studs.

The 26-year-old, the monk reminds a pensive mood with his quiet voice, long hair in a bun and baggy pants Yohji Yamamoto is bound, was still a student, began his career as a. In fact, the first pair of Lady Gaga Tatehanas had been the subject of his thesis at the prestigious University of the Arts in Tokyo, where he studied traditional weaving and dyeing kimono.

He made shoes with pink, reptile leather from a future sting rays, common in Japanese art and crafts such as decorative swords. He began his fashion label of trumpets in the design of an e-mail he sent dozens of people in the industry.

He received only three responses: one from a blogger, journalist and as a fashion designer Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga was unavailable for comment. But the fashion guru and beer heiress Daphne Guinness said it is a big fan

"I am so happy to have a friend who speaks my language, I - does not go beyond English or Japanese, but the language of art, the language," said Guinness, "It is truly a unique talent.."

Issued Valerie Steele, director and chief curator of the Museum of Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, the Tatehana said she hopes eventually Tatehana makes an affordable line.

"Noritaka Tatehana is one of the shoe designer of our time," she said. "It's amazing, dizzying heel shoes without high heels, transformed the appearance of extreme shoes."

The measure shoes look like the right thing most of her mind, has lost even Lady Gaga sometimes out of balance in some of the large drawings. Tatehana but said they are really more comfortable than regular high heels, because they put the weight of the user on the big toe, instead of the heel.

Tatehana says he can not even walk in his creations, but he prefers to wear sneakers and moccasins.

Lady Gaga was seen in another eccentric shoes. High heels that look like lobster claws are like Alexander McQueen, not Tatehana.

Tatehana grew on the coastal town of Kamakura. His father, a bathhouse downtown Tokyo, which has been running for the public to the office of prime real estate, and his mother teaches doll making.

He said that he would one day grow into the clothes pocket perhaps, or work in costumes for films. He will also contribute to the profile of its assets worldwide.

"I want the Japanese culture to remain alive today and win international respect," said Tatehana. "It is the creativity that defines the strength of a nation."


Are women who carry fake designer handbags big trouble?

 Dan Ariely, a Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University, is publishing a book entitled, “The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone—Including Ourselves.” In it, he reveals research he and his colleagues conducted that provides useful insights into the psychological forces which drive lying.

One of the more fascinating revelations is that women who carry fake Louis Vuitton or Tory Burch handbags or wear fake Cartier jewelry, are more likely to lie, cheat or steal than other women.

Could that really be the case? Could handing over $50 for a replica handbag that should really cost $500 or $1,000 really signal deeper moral failings? Doesn’t everyone lie sometimes?

Most of us, Ariely explains, do indeed lie, sometimes. But the research he presents includes the fact that those of us who are willing to wear our lies around our necks (e.g. fake Burberry scarves) or carry them on our arms (e.g. those fake designer bags) are especially untrustworthy.

When you think about it, that makes psychological sense. People who buy knock-offs are willing to lie on multiple levels.

First, they’re willing to cheat the companies who created the designer items—and hold the intellectual property related to them—out of money that’s legitimately due them. Because those companies not only came up with unique—sometimes iconic—designs, they invested in advertising and marketing that made their brands household names. They harnessed genuine creativity and employed lots of people to make that happen.

Second, they’re willing to lie to everyone who gets a glimpse of their fake handbags or necklaces or sunglasses and thinks that they have the style sense, or the money, to select and buy those items. They’re desperate enough for that facade of style—that mask of chic—to break the law to achieve it. And they know what they’re doing isn’t above-board. After all, the fraudulent goods they’re buying are often sold by shady street dealers or fly-by-night websites.

Third—and probably most toxic—they’re able to lie to themselves. Because they can almost forget that they’re perpetrating a bit of a scam whenever they head out with a handbag that fools people into believing they have something they don’t and are something they’re not. They have the ability to think of themselves as entirely upstanding, when they’re ripping off companies who have to report real earnings to real stockholders and make real profits—or really go out of business.

Seen this way, the folks who lie just a little by buying knock-offs sound a little less innocuous than they might, otherwise. Still, though, they aren’t Bernie Madoff—making off with billions and leaving investors bankrupt. They aren’t Clark Rockefeller—the fake Rockefeller who fooled everyone into thinking he was a member of the legendary family.

No, they aren’t. But they are very distant cousins—and there are a lot more of them, capable of doing lots of harm, when taken together. And that’s really the psychological and economic point Ariely is making: Madoff isn’t our real problem. It’s the rest of us. The millions willing to lie and cheat and steal a little add up to a bigger economic and social problem than the outliers who take duplicity to the next level.

So, next time you see the stitching on a Louis Vuitton bag and realize it doesn’t quite look like the real deal, it’s fair to conclude that the person carrying it isn’t quite the real deal, either—and act accordingly.


Johnny Depp wins CFDA fashion icon award

 Johnny Depp received his first Oscar -- fashion's Oscar, that is -- but he didn't actually show up to collect it at Monday night's CFDA Fashion Awards, a star-studded event attended by top designers, supermodels and stylish VIPs at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall.

"Johnny, I love him, and I love the way he just says, 'Award ceremonies . . . that's not my thing,' " said designer Betsey Johnson.

Depp is the first man to receive the Fashion Icon award, which was presented by John Waters, who directed Depp in 1990's "Cry-Baby." "He's off in a desert somewhere shooting 'The Lone Ranger,' " said Waters, who accepted the award on Depp's behalf.

PHOTOS: Notable Long Islanders | Celebrity mug shots

Those who did show to the Council of Fashion Designers of America shindig included sexy starlets Zoe Saldana and Julianne Hough (bubbling about her new film, "Rock of Ages" -- "I LOVE all those old songs"), Tommy Hilfiger (winner of the Lifetime Achievement award), and ageless Diane von Furstenberg (her gown had print-like hands grabbing at her.) Bernadette Peters flashed photos of a pooch she and her Broadway Barks charity just found a home for. And snowboard champion Shaun White looked surprisingly dapper, dude (in a tux by best menswear nominee Antonio Azzuolo).

Winners of the night included The Row by Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (best womenswear designer of the year), Billy Reid (menswear) and Reed Krakoff (accessories). The ceremony will be digitally broadcast on style.com Tuesday at noon.


Suits you: The search for the perfect bikini

 Violet Lake

A fashion editor for more than 10 years, Ursula Lake started her own swimwear line after a fruitless search for the right bikini. The result is pick'n'mix bikinis and one-pieces in a host of colours.

The one-piece used to be seen as for the older woman or the "frumpy" choice, but our "Caruso" style is very sexy and can be worn as a top to the bar as well as looking chic on the beach. Good-quality fabric is important, it makes the garment last longer and wear better. I love mixing and matching colours and styles, this season we've done a navy and white stripe which looks great combined with a plain colour such as scarlet. If you've got a bigger bust don't cover it up – too much fabric generally makes things look bigger than they are. Our "Ryder" bikini top goes up to an E cup, and is supportive, sexy and very popular.

Style passport

Sarah Walters worked at Vogue, Bazaar and Marie Claire before moving to New Look where she ran campaigns with Giles Deacon and Lily Allen. Two years ago she founded an online store to solve every holiday wardrobe dilemma.

Designers expressed themselves with vibrant palettes and exotic prints this season, and summer by the sea or the pool looks all the better for it – colour and sunshine go hand in hand.

The most important thing to remember though is comfort. A suit cut to flatter will give confidence when baring all. If you love swimming do check your costume is up to the task. We've gone a bit crazy for Zimmerman this season – the new one pieces are especially flattering if you have an athletic shape like me, without a waist – a sporty two-piece works well too.

Beach Flamingo

Founded by Lily Russo, shopping editor at Grazia, and her retail expert sister Jessica, this newly launched site aims to unite the best of beach fashion from all over the world.

Digi-prints, florals and tribal are big trends this year, but the one-piece is really having a moment too. Cut, fit and fabric are so important, once you find a style that suits your shape stick to it – it makes the shopping experience much easier.

We're massive fans of Karla Colletto for its hidden scaffolding that nips and tucks in all the right places. Both of us have quite hourglass figures and though our personal style differs we can guarantee a well-chosen side-tie or scoop bikini bottom is the most flattering. Big knickers seem safe but often only make you look bigger.

Beach tomato

An extension of the award-winning hip travel site Black Tomato, this one-stop shop run by fashion editor Kirsty Hathaway combines editorial delights with commerce.

Prints, prints, prints ! They abound this season – a trend that has trickled through from the catwalks. The bonus is they're flattering and a fun alternative to lots of the block colours we've seen of late.

Remember your body type though, just because you may like the look of a bikini, you need to remember what suits you and what you feel comfortable in – you are, after all, practically naked. I love Mungo Gurney's collection, it ranges from on trend art deco and graphic prints to block colours and laser cut-outs. I love one-pieces at the moment, for once they are cool, flattering and not so mumsy. A halterneck is great to give a smaller bust more lift and cleavage.